Home 159244
- IMG 1865
- Airfield Model
- IMG 1866
- IMG 1867
- Ray Viewing Exhibit
- IMG 1868
- IMG 1869
- IMG 1870
- IMG 1871
- IMG 1872
- Exhibit Hall, Mezzanine View
- IMG 1873
- IMG 1874
- IMG 1875
- IMG 1876
- IMG 1877
- IMG 1878
- IMG 1878
- IMG 1883
- IMG 1884
- IMG 1885
- IMG 1886
- IMG 1887
- IMG 1890
- IMG 1891
- IMG 1893
- IMG 1894
- IMG 1895
- Looking East from rest stop
- A welcome pause!
- Replica Window on Display at the American Air Museum, Duxford
- Close-up of the Replica Window
- Father and Son Team who Built the Replica Window
- IMG 1964
- IMG 1965
- "SILVER DOLLAR" Death Plunge
- Kenneth M. Lentz, October 2014
- Kenneth M. Lentz
- Our Ground Crew
- Chilton Ryan