384th Bombardment Group (Heavy) in World War II

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SPIERS_CREW.jpg SPIERS, P R 3 Img0033ThumbnailsSPODAR, P 1 Img0034SPIERS, P R 3 Img0033ThumbnailsSPODAR, P 1 Img0034SPIERS, P R 3 Img0033ThumbnailsSPODAR, P 1 Img0034SPIERS, P R 3 Img0033ThumbnailsSPODAR, P 1 Img0034SPIERS, P R 3 Img0033ThumbnailsSPODAR, P 1 Img0034SPIERS, P R 3 Img0033ThumbnailsSPODAR, P 1 Img0034

Back, left to right: unidentified 1; Paul Spiers, Pilot, Frank G Fauser, Tail Gunner; unidentified 3; unidentified 4.

Front, left to right: unidentified 5; unidentified 6; unidentified 7; Bernard Zelazoski, Ball Turret.

This may be the 21 July 1944 mission; crewmembers on the Loading List are:
Spiers, Paul Robert, Pilot
Kass, Robert Hiler, Copilot
Machiz, Irving, Navigator
Booth, George T, Togglier
Jelmberg, George Olof, Radio Operator
LaBelle, Joseph A, Engineer/Top Turret
Zelazoski, Bernard L, Ball Turret
Fauser, Frank George, Jr, Tail Gunner
Carboni, James (NMI), Flexible Gunner

Source Undetermined.

whallii - Friday 13 January 2017,Hello,

Unidentified 2 (Back row, shorter man standing in middle of frame) is Frank G. Fauser, Tail Gunner.

He is my Godfather. Growing up I would make model airplane B-17s with him and listen to his stories. I can remember many times hearing him say, "Keep the Show on the Road." This is an absolute joy to discover this photo.

Unidentified 4 may be Irving Machiz base on comparison with the Emil E. Pluhar Crew photo in the Pluhar Crew Album. Keith Ellefson, 2019-04-09

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1 comment

  • whallii - Friday 7 July 2017 14:06

    I visited with Frank Fauser, today. I showed him this photo and he said this was from his last mission, which would confirm the date as 21 July 44.

    He also identified Unidentified 5 as George T. Booth and Unidentified 6 as James Carboni. He does not remember the others. I think this is because he and the other two named were originally in the Birckhead crew with the 545th. It looks like Frank only flew his last 4 missions with the Spiers crew.