384th Bombardment Group (Heavy) in World War II

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Stephen M. Corcoran, Newsclip

Stephen M. Corcoran, Newsclip.jpg 27 March 1944 - Stearns crewThumbnailsSterling Roger Forney27 March 1944 - Stearns crewThumbnailsSterling Roger Forney27 March 1944 - Stearns crewThumbnailsSterling Roger Forney27 March 1944 - Stearns crewThumbnailsSterling Roger Forney27 March 1944 - Stearns crewThumbnailsSterling Roger Forney27 March 1944 - Stearns crewThumbnailsSterling Roger Forney

Stephen Martin Corcoran, assigned as Bombardier on the Ben H Clements Crew.
Shot down and became POW on 12 September 1944 while flying with the Earnes E Hanlon Crew.

Image courtesy of Eric Lewis, Stephen Corcoran's great nephew.

Stephen M. Corcoran, Newsclip.jpg
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