So long, fellows ...
Donna Schurman (16 Sep 2005): "Charlie Johnson, waist gunner, died this year and joined his crew members."
Bob Wolz, Charlie Johnsons nephew (1 Mar 2006): "We had a hard time getting Uncle Charlie to talk a lot about his experiences, but a couple of years ago he began to speak out. It was our wish that he put his thoughts and comments in writing, but time ran out for us. May he rest in peace."
- Created on
- Wednesday 13 April 2005
- Posted on
- Saturday 23 April 2005
- Dimensions
- 640*480
- File
- 215_DSC00005_640x480.jpg
- Filesize
- 105 KB
- Tags
- DSC00005.JPG
- Visits
- 3410