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384th Memorial
384th Veterans
229529 gipool 131243 stalled pasture behind hangar
Arsdel Fluesmeir
Chuck Fleenor and Arsdel Fluesmeir
Chuck Fleenor
Chuck Fleenor's POW Tag
Daniel Walton
Daniel Walton and Arsdel Fluesmeier
What a Pair!
Gene Goodrick
Guess Who?
Harry Swift and Mark Meehl
Henry Sienkiewicz and Katie Cahill
Horst Rapp
Jack and Celia Goetz
Jack Goetz, center
Jerry Meehl and Jack Goetz
Jerry Meehl, Jen Wilkens, Grand-daughter of Bill Wilkens on right
John Wiley and Father, Vernon Wiley
John Wiley and Vernon Wiley
Katie Cahill, Friend of Henry Sienkiewicz
Katie Cahill takng a group photo
Keith Ellefson and Janet Meehl Fox
L-R: Jerry Meehl, Betty Swift, wife of Harry Swift, Chuck Fleenor. To the right of the totem: Chris Wilkinson, Mariola Wilkinson
Mark Meehl, Daniel Walton, Chuck Fleenor, Vanny Squier, Bill Wilkens
Peter Bielskis
Peter and Ardsel
384th Memorial and Tree
22 June 1943
Peaslee, HankinsonP1020056.JPG
23 1944-05-30
23 March 1945
Strickland, Kinnaird23 September 1943
Algar, Harris