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- F-111E nose art.JPG
- P-47 taxies out for airshow at Duxford.JPG
- P-51D taxies out.JPG
- P-51B taxies out.JPG
- The belle of the ball, "Sally B" taxies out to win all of our hearts.JPG
- P9100350.jpg
- Colonel Kent Laughbaum, commander, 48th Ops Gp at RAF Lakenheath.JPG
- Capt Matt Swanson & CMSgt Dave Jans
- P9100353.JPG
- P9100354.JPG
- P9100355.JPG
- 1Lt Steve Trnka
- P9100357.JPG
- Lloyd and Quentin with Col Laughbaum.JPG
- Col Kent & Mary Laughbaum at Lloyd's table
- Margaret & Ted Rothschild with ?.JPG
- 1Lt Emily Alfter and Mom
- Dolly and Donald Brooks
- P9110056
- Nancy Braines greets us on our way to services at St James in Grafton Underwood.JPG
- 384th Stained glass window from the outside.JPG
- 384th Stained glass window in St James.JPG
- Rev Daniel Foote greets X and Lloyd at St James prior to service.JPG
- The very pious members of the 384th Bomb Group and their English hosts at St James.JPG
- Lloyd, Nancy Braines, Quentin, and Bill in St James foyer. .JPG
- Gene Goodrick in St James.JPG
- Jeanie Guilmet, Linda and Vic Fayers-Hallin in St James for services.JPG
- Lt Alfter exiting St James following services.JPG
- Lt Alfter following services at St James.JPG
- Our English friends came from all around to join us in the memorial services at the Monument following lunch in Corby.JPG
- Dave Lustig and Gene Goodrick hold the 384th banner at the monument.JPG
- 1Lt Steve Trnka, 48th CMS, RAF Lakenheath.JPG
- Carol peeking thru crowd at memorial.
- Air Force Honor Guard from RAF Lakenheath served us proudly at the memorial ceremonies.JPG
- Rev Daniel Foote provided several moving readings at the memorial.JPG
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