- Linda and Tom Rowley, Henry Sienkiewicz
- Jack Goetz and Richard Peaslee
- Lynn Hesko, Chris and Mariola
- Rick Richert and John Edwards
- Warren Tessmer and Audrey
- Gene Goodrick and Len Estrin
- Carol and Andy Rivera
- Clarendon "Rick" Richert
- Mary and Dan DiThomas, Raymond Causa
- Susan, Ray and David Lustig
- Gail and Peter
- Peter and Dennis
- Jack and Mark Meehl
- Lawrence, Sandi and Larry Gerbig
- Sheldon signing AS BRIEFED
- Larry and Sandi
- Don and Donna Hilliard
- Dan DiThomas and the two Ray Causas
- A fine looking group
- Here's the deal folks
- Is that so?
- The Peaslee's being entertained by Len Niemiec
- Someone did something wierd or said something funny
- Lynn, Bill and Gail
- Bill and Elsie
- Chuck and Dottie Warren, Arthur Osepchook
- Jack and Arthur